Heal with Ho'oponopono

The power behind Ho’oponopono is forgiveness. Many researches are proving how much it impacts in healing our physical and mental health. Forgiveness brings us back to that original state of Love and that’s the magic behind Ho’oponopono!!

It is an ancient Hawaiian practice that involves learning to heal all the things by Accepting and taking total Responsibility for everything that surrounds us.

Ho’oponopono helps in:

  • Gaining emotional stability
  • Regeneration of cellular memory
  • Building healthier relationship with ourselves and others
  • Correcting the energy disruption and returning us back to wholeness, unity and harmony.

Learn more about this technique, the method to practice and also experience the healing Ho’oponopono meditation.

LIVE: Zoom Session with Srujana Kandala

DATE: 08th October 2022

TIME: 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM IST / 8 AM to 9:15 AM EST

Registration cut-off: 5 PM IST / 7:30 PM EST, Saturday

Session includes

  • 20 mins of Topic discussion 
  • 40 mins of Ho’oponopono Healing Meditation 
  • 15 mins interaction with the Speaker (Q/A) 

Event Registration Form